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To participate in selection process, Download and Print the Form available at or under Admission Process below:
- Specialization in Broadcast Management Brochure
- Specialization in Digital Marketing & Social Media Brochure
- Specialization in Integrated Marketing Communication Management Brochure
You can also collect the physical form from either of the following addresses.
The form will cost Rs.500 payable in cash for physical copy and payable at the time of submission for downloaded and printed forms or online submission.
a) Calcutta Media Institute (CMI). 501, Elgin Chambers. 5th floor. 1A, Ashutosh Mukherjee Road. Kolkata 700020 (behind B, Sarkar Johuree at the intersection of Ashutosh Mukherjee Road and Elgin Road)
b) Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management (IISWBM). Management House. College Square West. Kolkata 700073.
For more information, visit either of the Institutes or Contact –